Things a Matandang Dalaga Should Have

Don't let your years go to waste. Whether you are single by choice or by circumstance, you need to make something of your life, you need to achieve something, be something and fulfill some of the dreams you have set out for yourself. Below are the things you should ALREADY HAVE when you reach 30. A Cause to Support Some will argue that they are already helping their relatives, maybe putting a niece or sister to school or helping in relative's hospitalization or whatever, and that is no less great but you should also think about other people who may not have relatives like you, not even in the 5th degree. You should also think about things that may not necessarily be a matter of life or death but is impotant to you like the arts or research to get cure for some very rare disease. 10 Things You should Never Do for a Man. Click here. I am putting a child to school through World Vision. It's not much because I don't have enough but I have a soft spot for childre...