It’s About Being Human not About Being a Woman

When you get to this age and still be single with no prospect in sight, it is but natural to lean towards being a feminist and devote your time and effort becoming a fulfilled woman. It’s great. After all, if only for the sheer act of respecting the history of women, women should continuously make an effort to live a life that leaves lasting impact.

What you shouldn’t do, however, is to continuously try and prove yourself to be a woman of quality or worthy of adulations to anyone but yourself.

There is one more thing. Stop being a feminist and start being a humanist. It’s not about being a fulfilled woman but a fulfilled human. The only time you know there is equality is when people don’t pay attention to the difference anymore and see people as people, not through their sex organs.

If you’re still single and way in your 30s with no prospect in sight, it’s about being unattractive to men, it’s about having all the time in your hand, with nothing to distract you, so you can fulfill your dreams, do some things for other people, explore more and be more. These are things humans must do, not just women.

Just to share with you my own plans or dreams or whatever you might want to call it.

Click here to know about the careers you can start when you are in your 30s.

Publish Two Books a Year

I am a marketer, a producer and a mediocre graphic artist but my passion is writing. I have a lot of ideas in my head and I decided to just I need to get most, if not all, these ideas in my head and the only way I could do it is to sit my ass down and write.

I won’t wait for anyone, not even by a publisher to give me a now or a yes. I’ll publish my own work now. I’ll write everyday and get two books out. Yes, that’s outside of my blogs.

"How Lucifer Resigned From Hell": A funny novel about love, life and the WTF situations we get into while living it

Travel Once a Month

I want to get out of the city or the state or the country once a year. I want to see as much of the world as I can. I want to learn about different cultures, meet people and learn about their stories, try out new foods and see different spots. It’s a beautiful world, I want to experience as much of it.

Support a Kid I Don’t Know

I am already supporting my sister and she’s literally like my own child but I want to be able to give a chance to someone else who may not be related to anyone who has the same capacity as I do. Three or four years ago, I signed up to the World Vision to support one child. I give them $200 semi-annually (I think) and that supports a kid’s education, food and other things. I receive a handwritten card from the kid almost every month to update me of his progress. It feels good to help someone and not get anything in return but self-satisfaction.

I am not saying this to brag. I am saying this to make people realize that anyone with a job can help others. If you are interested, go and check out the website of World Vision.


Back home, I helped out some non-profit organization. I don’t have a lot of money and that’s why I offered my skill and time, instead. I did some of their marketing and designs for their marketing materials. I am not that good but it was enough to get some things done.

Read One Book a Week

Not many are book lovers and I am not by nature but my father brought me up to love books. Eventually, I got into the habit. It has helped me more than I thought because many of the marketing ideas I’ve had came from the books I read. Many of the story ideas I have came from the books I’ve read.

Never Stop Studying

I was not a very good student. I developed my love for studying late but better late than never I guess. I like being in a room where I’m the dumbest person because I get to learn. I like hearing people’s ideas because they are great, really. The things people think of, their views on things, sometimes they have perspectives I know I will never think about.

I will continue to study for as long as I can afford it.

Earn through Passive Income

I don’t want to be an employee all my life. In two years, I need to make enough money from my writing to allow me to save for my future, pay for my bills and finance my travels. Two years before I left, I quit my 8-5 because I wanted to be my own boss. Here, I had to start all over again.

It’s not easy to suck it up especially working around people with different culture but I’ll suck it up until I don’t have to. Eventually, I will spend two weeks a month traveling and the rest writing.

Hike, Bike, Run, Walk, Meet New People

I want to hike more. I was in the mountaineering group if my school back in college. This country offers hike trails from beginners to advance hikers. I’ll take advantage of that. I know this is going to sound extremely corny but being in the forest refreshes my mind. I’ll talk with other hikers and listen to the stories they will share.

I will go to different museums and walk in its gardens. I love art. I love nature. I love people.

A winery in San Francisco

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Best Cameras for Beginners

Learn a Third Language

Just because.

Support My Family

My sister is the only one in my family that is still in school. My parents can now stop working. They can essentially enjoy their life. I already have my own house and my own car. No matter what happens, I’ll eat three times a day. I am finally in the situation that allows me to give my family some amount of luxury. I’ll have them travel whenever I can afford it. I’ll give them gifts. They deserve to have the goods thing in life, they’ve sacrificed enough.

I do things for me, for my family and for other people. That’s the point of it all, be human… not only a woman.


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