10 Tips on How to be a Happy Matandang Dalaga
It's 1:45 am, Saturday. The only noise I hear is the humming of my old laptop. It's 4 years old. I bought if for Php25,000 after I resigned from my advertising agency job. It has earned me hundreds of thousands. I don't want it to conk out just yet but I also won't take it against it if it does. After all, I think I've pretty much gotten my money back... and then some. It has been with me in the most important turning points in my life - when I quit my high paying advertising job to pursue writing full time and when I decided to leave the Philippines and move here in the U.S. This laptop knows my thoughts, the struggles I went through before I finally made this life altering decisions. No, this is not a post about my laptop. I'm just amazed at how such a seemingly insignificant thing can become so much a part of us. One of the things that I wrote about often is happiness. I think it really is the point of all these. At the end of the day, we do the t...