The Marketing of Religion
This is the most basic of all marketing principles: Tell the customer clearly what's in it for him or her. It's the golden rule. You can forget about all the other rules, tips and principle but not that one. Regardless of what you are selling or who you are selling to or where you are, it doesn't change the fact that consumer benefit must be the selling point. Think about it, a night cream promises to make you look younger, a shampoo promises to make your hair bouncier, a pair of basketball shoes promises to make jumping easier, an infant formula promises to make your child well-nourished and a bank promises to treat your money like it's theirs. We are always convinced that doing something will provide us a personal benefit. It's an age-old trick and even (probably) the oldest institution, the most pure of them all used it, religion. Religion, regardless of what it is, promises salvation. That's what in it for us when we join a religion, a place ...