Things I Wish I Knew When I was in My Teens
Things I Wish I Knew When I was in My Teens
We all have that need to feel important, to feel needed, wanted and valued. When someone pays attention to us, regardless who that someone is, we fulfill that need and we cling on to that person who fulfills that need for us. We often mistake this for love.
So establish physical habits that will help you lose weight when you reach your 30s like a sport or outdoor activities and start establishing a diet that will help your body rely on natural foods over processed ones.
So stop following the effin' trend. Seriously, at some point, someone in your family will bring those photos out and cause you your self-respect. So, for the love of god, stop following effin' trend. No trend is artistic enough the pepetual desire of fashion brands to sell new clothing.
Enough said.
monthly period stain
someone you are gossipping about will hear you talking about her
you will get unintentionally insulted by your crush
get caught cheating by your teacher
fail to answer a really easy questiony
your friends will see your childhood photos
your friends will meet your parents
While you don't have bills to pay and not worrying about your children's milk and tuition fees, do that thing you want to do now. If you want to audition to some movie part or enter that writing contest or study photography or practic soccer, do it. Just do it. There will never be a perfect time for anything but there will always be a wrong time for something. So do it now, while you can.
There are mistakes and there are earth-shattering stupidity. Kissing that guy is a mistake, having sex without contraception is stupidity.
Staying up late on a school night is a mistake. Flanking Algebra is a stupidity.
Sneaking out is a mistake. Being photographed naked while you are passed out after sneaking out of home is stupidity.
Those people you laugh at, at least 50 percent of them will end up employing thousands if not millions of people. Most likely, you will be employed by one of them. SO be nice and never understimate anyone.
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