Being Cheated On

I have a theory that infidelity is not about love or the lack of it. It's all about vanity. When someone makes you feel important, desired and tingly, you feel good about yourself. Even if the current official partner still makes you feel that, having someone else want you is an ego trip of a lifetime. My first boyfriend cheated on me on the third year of our relationship with a girl he met online. I know… such a pathetic cliché. He mentioned the girl once. Let’s call her Roberta. He said she plays one his online games with her. I didn’t think much about it because I used to play games too. I know you interact with other people all the time. Click here to read about how to determine if your boyfriend is still not over his ex. As time went on, he would usually cut our dinner or evening conversation short so he can go online and play that game he is playing. One time I we were having dinner at his place, he even played the game while I was watch...