Still Living With Your Parents?

Growing up, my parents pounded the idea that I should strive to buy my own house as early as possible. It's the best investment I can ever make, they said. I can end up jobless and afford nothing but a darn NFA rice, water and salt but at least I know I won't be homeless. I took their advice. Two years after graduating, I made a downpayment to a house and lot. It took me 10 years to pay it off. It's 160 sq m in a low cost housing subdivisio. When I bought the house, I was earning Php 16,000 a month. Php13,000 went to the house. I couldn't even afford to have dinner. I'm freakin' serious, I was eating twice a day. Once a day if I need to spend on something. A nice park was 15 minutes away from my house, I couldn't event afford to get it, gaddumit.